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AIM for Tornio Energy in Finland

The goal of this project is to make the company’s billing processes more transparent and to balance the utility’s cash flow so it corresponds with actual consumption. With stand alone meters this is not possible to do.

Benefits for all
Timo Koskinen, Managing Director of Tornion Energia says, “With AIM, Tornion Energia can monitor the load in its distribution network almost in real-time. So we will know about possible faults before they happen. An invoice based on actual consumption means that customers will be able to, for the first time, monitor their individual usage habits."

Market in transition
Energy metering is expected to be fully automated throughout the whole of Finland in the near future. Today, over 400,000 customers in Finland have already been provisioned and nearly 600 000 more are waiting to get automatic meter reading. According to research, about one half of the country's three million meters will be read remotely by 2010.

Acting on a recommendation
Koskinen says Tonion Energia Oy decided to implement an AMM system also due to a recommendation from the Finnish Energy Industries

Delivery and support
Tornion Energia will install the new meters in a gradual roll out process whereby the old devices will be replaced as they come to the end of their working life. Landis+Gyr Enermet will be responsible for delivering the metering and communication devices, as well as providing extensive user support and training. The metering data management system is based on a combination of a low voltage PLC network and GPRS communication that will guarantee the best possible coverage and cost-efficiency.

Established partnership
Tornion Energia and Landis+Gyr Enermet have worked together for many years. In the past Tornion Energia did not have any experience using remote metering systems.

Koskinen says, “Our current tariff control system has served us for over 15 years. Although Landis+Gyr Enermet has been our partner for many years we put this project out to tender with many suppliers. In the end, Landis+Gyr Enermet was able to convince us of their stability, reliability and of their metering solutions, that we decided to go with them."

For further information contact:
Tornion Energia Oy, Managing Director Timo Koskinen +358 16 43 2481
Landis+Gyr Enermet Oy, Sales Director Rauno Leinonen +358 40 566 6763

Tornion Energia is a company owned by the City of Tornio that specializes in power networks, district heating and contracting. In 2006, Tornio Energy turnover was approximately 8 million euros. At the end of 2006, the company had 27 permanent employees. For further information see: www.tornio.fi/tornionenergia

Landis+Gyr is the market leader in advanced metering and load management solutions for the energy industry. Landis+Gyr is part of the Bayard Group of companies which provide cutting-edge solutions for smart metering.