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Innovating multi-energy platforms for your benefit

The module fits seamlessly into the new generation of our modular meter, E350, and has an M-Bus interface, which is serial and bi-directional. There is also an M-Bus RF dongle available that Landis+Gyr has pioneered to enable wireless communication of data to the meter, meaning that complicated and expensive wiring systems in your customer’s house or apartment are a thing of the past.

Able to store gas, heat and water data, the module can also be linked to the Landis+Gyr personal energy management in-home device, the ecoMeter. This means you can offer your customers the benefit of having their real time consumption information at their finger tips.

The E35C module runs on GPRS technology. Other versions that run on PLC and Ethernet will also be available in 2009.

For more information contact juerg.haas@landisgyr.com