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New era for Haukiputaa Electricity

The AMM system will be rolled-out in stages between 2008 and 2011. Device installation will be done by the cooperative’s technicians and no costs will be incurred by the consumer. The system is based on a combination of a low voltage network and GPRS communication, and it will cover almost 9000 metering points.

Delivery by Landis+Gyr Enermet also includes AIM system integration into customer information systems, as well as into the Site Manager application. This tool enables data to be entered directly into the system while installation and service work are being carried out on site.

New service provider
Matti Teräs, Sales Engineer for Haukiputaa Electricity Cooperative says, “We will now have access to more accurate and up-to-date information, and we can offer several additional services. Households, for example, will be able to track their power usage by the hour.”
As installation progresses the cooperative will adopt a new billing process. Customers will be invoiced for their actual power consumption during a given period. However, consumers will be given the choice to continue to be billed by estimates, in which case invoices will be sent out twice a year.

The benefits of AMM
AMM at a utility means significant changes to standard operations. Removal readings and readings caused by changes of suppliers no longer require a person to visit a meter. The AMM system also enables remote disconnections and connections of power supply. Furthermore, data on an electricity network and power outages at a meter can be obtained from the system.

Way into the future
Rauno Leinonen, Sales Director at Landis+Gyr Enermet says,“AMM is not only a profitable investment for a utility. It is also a step towards increased environmental consciousness. It offers additional services to aware consumers who are interested in tracking and regulating their energy consumption.”

About the utility
The Haukiputaa Electricity Cooperative is a network company based in a municipality of nearly 19,000 residents. The area has over 8,000 power consumers. Approximately 140 million kWh of electricity is consumed every year. The cooperative's turnover 2006 was approximately 3 million euros, and it employs 25 people.