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InSite Customer Login

Welcome! If you have your InSite login credentials please proceed to InSite here.

Customer Login

Landis+Gyr is working on a portal consolidation effort to improve your online experience.

The Landis+Gyr Energy Measurement Products site (ePortal for Meter Products) is one of the first customer facing portals to make a move.   We are working to shift all the information and tools located within the ePortal to InSite, the main Landis+Gyr Customer Portal.

If you need access to the ePortal content but are unable to access via InSite, please contact Landis+Gyr Support at 888-390-5733 Option 5 or email  solutionsupport.na@landisgyr.com.

Thank you for your continued support and patience as we continue to improve your online experience with Landis+Gyr.

Landis+Gyr Energy Management Solutions (Smart Grid Solutions) Landis+Gyr Energy Measurement Products (ePortal for Meter Products)
Meter Return Authorization


Request access to InSite

InSite Registration Request

  • (area code) - phone number
  • Este campo es un campo de validación y debe quedar sin cambios.



I need help logging into InSite
Please contact your Landis+Gyr Customer Account Representative, 800-926-6254 or namlgorders@landisgyr.com, if you are experiencing any issues with InSite, including the following: 

  • I did not receive the Landis+Gyr Extranet email notification.
  • During user setup, I am unable to log into the Landis+Gyr Extranet.
  • I need my password reset.
  • I receive an error message when I try to access InSite.
  • I receive an error message when I click on a tile in InSite.
  • I have submitted a request for InSite access, but have not received any additional information.

What is InSite?
InSite is an online application for customers to interact with Landis+Gyr. Current functionality includes:
The ability to place requests for returns and orders.

  • Visibility to order, delivery, and return information.
  • Links to other Landis+Gyr online systems.

Do I need to take training before accessing InSite?
Yes, please listen to the online training video prior to submitting your request for access to InSite.

Am I required to use InSite?
Customers are not required to use InSite to place orders or request returns. However, we encourage you to contact your Customer Account Representative to learn more about InSite to help determine if it may be a useful tool for you.

What should I expect after I request access to InSite?
You will receive an email confirmation of your request along with the setup instructions.
NOTE:  Please allow 3 days for Landis+Gyr to create your account.