/* Google Search Console and Analytics Verification */ Consumer Engagement - Landis+Gyr
Pais: Mexico CambioCerrar

Your source for solutions

Wireless devices are increasingly being used for personal energy management. This provides a potential win-win opportunity for both the consumer and the utility. Consumers want the freedom to manage their energy consumption and utilities need to protect and identify revenue streams. Landis+Gyr’s consumer engagement offerings open a channel of communication to the end-user empowering them to manage energy better.

Consumer engagement services improve customer satisfaction by
providing access, visibility, and control

Landis+Gyr is proud to partner with Accelerated Innovations to offer the MyMeter® platform, which seamlessly connects to a complex array of utility systems, providing a secure, easy-to-access interface to your consumers. MyMeter® empowers consumers to proactively manage and pay for their consumption.

Learn More
Contact us to get started
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Contact Landis+Gyr

Connect with your customers and start identifying additional revenue streams with Landis+Gyr’s consumer engagement program. To learn more, contact us today.

Contact us